
Dermatology Consultants is one of the first dermatology practices in Minnesota to offer a new, FDA-approved nonsurgical treatment to reduce double chins.

Click here to see some incredible before and after photos of real patients treated with KYBELLA™.

KYBELLA™  is the first and only FDA-approved non-surgical treatment to improve the appearance of submental fullness, commonly known as “double chin.”  This new injectable treatment is designed to improve the appearance of moderate to significant double chins through the destruction of fat cells. The active ingredient in KYBELLA™ is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule that helps with the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.

Once injected into the fat beneath the chin, KYBELLA™ causes the destruction of fat cells. Once treatment goals are achieved, re-treatment is not expected. 

Who is a good candidate for KYBELLA™? 

  • Anyone bothered by submental fullness or “double chin.”
  • When surgery is not an option.
  • If fat below the chin is diet or exercise-resistant.
  • For those 18 years of age or older.

How is KYBELLA™ administered? 

First Treatment

First Treatment

Last Treatment

Last Treatment

The treatment is typically given during a short office appointment. Your doctor will give you a series of injections into the fat under the chin during each treatment. The number of injections and total treatments will vary depending on the patient.  Most patients will need 4-6 treatments to reach the desired effect, however some may need less. Downtime after the treatment is minimal.



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