Jozef Lazar, MD

  • Bartholomew F, Lazar J, Marqueling A, Lee-Messer C, Jaradeh S, Teng JM.  Channelopathy: a novel mutation in the SCN9A gene causes insensitivity to pain and autonomic dysregulation. Br J Dermatol , 2014 Nov;171(5):1268-70.
  • 2011 Lazar J, Poonawalla T, Teng JM. A case of sclerodermatous graft-versus-host disease responsive to imatinib therapy. Pediatr Dermatol 2011;28:172-175.
  • 2009 Lazar J, Walker JW. A high throughput drug discovery tool for endothelin receptor heterodimers utilizing fluorescence resonance energy transfer. BCVS 2009 Abstracts,
    Circ. Res. 2009;105(7);e10-e53.
  • Chu J, Lazar J, Badger J. A postoperative blue rash: Indigo carmine dye extravasation. International J Dermatol, 2015 Jul 14.


  • 2014 (poster) Soon C, Hong J, Lazar J, Ko J, Robinson W, Kim J. Petechial patches in a 29-year-old: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis (AKA Churg-Strauss syndrome). American Society of Dermatopathology 51st Annual Meeting. November 6-9, 2014. Chicago, Illinois.
  • 2014 (speaker) Lazar J, Marqueling A, Teng JM. “Channelopathy associated congenital insensitivity to pain syndrome.” Society for Pediatric Dermatology Pre-AAD Meeting. Denver, CO – March 20, 2014.
  • 2013 (poster) Lazar J, Sarin K, Pol-Rodriguez M. “A case of phakomatosis pigmentokeratotica.” San Francisco Dermatologic Association Meeting. Palo Alto, CA – November 2, 2013.
  • 2013 (speaker) Lazar J, Marqueling A, Teng JM. “Does this hurt? A case of hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy (HSAN).” Pacific Dermatology Association Meeting. San Francisco, CA – August 18, 2013.
  • 2012 (speaker) Lazar J, Bashey S, Wysong A, Kim Y, Gratzinger D. “Localized cutaneous intralymphovascular ALK negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma.” San Francisco Dermatologic Association Meeting. Palo Alto, CA – November 3, 2012.
  • 2010 (poster) Lazar J, Teng J. “Sclerodermatous graft-vs-host disease responsive to imatinib mesylate: A case report.” American Academy of Dermatology Summer Meeting. Chicago, IL – August 6, 2010.
  • 2009 (poster) Lazar J, Walker JW. “A high throughput drug discovery tool for endothelin receptor heterodimers utilizing fluorescence resonance energy transfer.” American Heart Association Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Conference. Las Vegas, NV – July 21, 2009.
  • 2004 (poster) Moreno C, Lazar J, Khan S, Wen X, Jiang N, Tschannen M, Chen M, Provoost M, Hessner MJ, Jacob HJ. “Temporal patterns of gene expression during the development of renal failure.” American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO – October 27 to November 1, 2004.

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